The Project

COVID has taken center stage globally. Previous crises seem to have receded both in print and in the minds.
Can we really make crisis appear and disappear at will?
In this project we explore through pictures and numbers, both the measures or interventions as well as the impact of the interventions, related to COVID in the six chosen countries (Japan, India, Ethiopia, Israel, Italy and the Netherlands).
We urge the best to maintain passionate intensity, to continue to seek the centre, to engage with the worst, while realizing that we cannot be sure what is the best and worst in this case just yet. Therefore, it is all the more important to engage and respect each other’s perspectives.
The submenu ‘Brief’ gives a more extensive explanation into why we chose to undertake this project. In the submenu ‘Study’ you can find more information about the framework we use to look at the interventions and their impact, as well as the current COVID mortality in the six countries. The submenu ‘Team’ provides more information on the team members and their specific reasons to be part of this project.